Accept this is happening –you are not the first to have this happen!
Please get advice and support as quickly as you can, about what your choices might be and how to look after your mental and physical health.
It would be best to tell a parent or carer: they may be upset or angry at first, but most parents would help you to make the best decisions and choices for you.
If you are in a relationship, then tell that person, they can offer help and support when you are talking to adults or health professionals.
Speak to a trusted adult - this maybe a teacher in your school or a favourite person in your family.
Speak to your doctors; they can support you to access the right medical services.
Search on the internet for young people's sexual advice services in your area. Make an appointment to see them; they are used to giving young people the right information and support to make an informed choice.
It is against the law to have sex with family members. Having sex with family members (interbreeding) decreases the "variety" in the DNA of offspring. When people with very similar genes have a baby, the baby gets two sets of very "similar" genes from both the parents. This can cause developmental problems or inherited diseases.
Tell a trusted adult straight away, they can offer you the right support to stay safe.
Speak to a teacher
Speak to a parent/carer or family member
Speak to the police they have specialist teams who can help you.
Tell someone - don't keep this to yourself.
Within the law you need to be 16 to have sex, however if two young people of a similar age are having sex and they have both consented it is unlikely that any police or legal action will be taken. However, if parents/carers become aware, they may want to have a discussion with both of you.
No, this should be between you and your partner, unless you need some help and support to discuss contraception, STI's managing your relationship, then you could access young person's sexual health clinic.
Or find a trusted adult to speak this may be a family member or teacher.
There is no normal state about who we are attracted to or not attracted to, it is a very individual thing. Many people live their life very happily without ever having a sexual partner. There are many other ways to be intimate with a person and positive relationships can be as rewarding and fulfilling.
Finding out that you are pregnant at a young age can be really difficult. You need to get help and support as soon as possible to help you think about what choices you have.
Many young women and their partners have faced this situation, so the best advice is to not face this massive life event all on your own.
It is really difficult to have a baby when you are under 16, as you are not entitled to any money, your parents or carers are expected to support you; this can put a real strain on families. You still have to continue in education until you are 18, so you have to study or work and look after a baby. When your friends are out partying you can't go, so your social life will be affected. This, in addition to what actually happens to your body, is a big change.
There are many services and organisations that can help you-see the signposting on this website.
Some women experience pain, for example, when a penis first penetrates the vagina, this usually stops quickly as you explore how you want to enjoy sex and pleasure with your chosen partner.
Take it slowly and sensitively: yet another reason to make sure you trust your partner and that you are in control of what you consent to.
No, the law is not there to criminalise young people who have sex underage; it is there to protect you. If you are underage and the person you are having sex with is older than you, over the legal age 16 and above, then there could be a case for them to go on the sex offenders list if charged, arrested and convicted of some type of sexual abuse or exploitation (which includes having sex with a minor-under the legal age of 16 in this country). This is more likely if there is a big age difference say 14 and partner is 25+ .
If young people have a chance to learn and discuss things around sex and sexual health they are more likely to wait until they are older to have an intimate relationship, use contraception and know how to keep themselves safe from exploitation. They are also much happier in their relationships and don’t regret waiting.
This is a real risk as you only know what that person told you. It could all be lies, so you need to be really careful before arranging to meet someone you haven’t met in person before. It might feel exciting but can result in taking serious risks to you.
No you wont get into trouble but you might want to think about who you share this information with. Also just because you have had sex once at 13, don’t feel you have to keep on having sex - you can stop at any point. Concentrate more on the positives in your relationship and talk to each other.
Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the UK. It's passed on through unprotected sex (sex without a condom) and is particularly common in sexually active teenagers and young adults. Chlamydia can also be passed on the fingers during intimate touching.
If you live in England, are under 25 and are sexually active, it's recommended that you get tested for chlamydia every year or when you change sexual partner. You can get free on line self-tests through the LISH website.
Unfortunately chlamydia can be silent-so no symptoms until you have a problem-it can also affect your ability to become pregnant.
Think about protecting your health by using condoms.
There is no legal age for masturbation but it is best to do this in the privacy of your own room!
There are several C-Card venues around the county. The pastoral staff in your school are also able to offer you C-Card information. To find out where your nearest C-Card registration place is go on :
Find a C-Card Outlet :: LiSH (
The meaning of life is whatever you want it to be. Try to stay positive and see the purpose of your life, value yourself and those around you.
Sex can be really awkward and embarrassing at first, but that’s ok as long as you both consent. Its ok to have a laugh and enjoy experimenting.
There are hundreds of different positons to try when you feel ready to have a sexual relationship.
There is no legal age for buying condoms but they might ask a few questions in the shop if a child wanted to buy them! Condoms are available at any age and free of charge from contraception clinics, CCard providers, sexual health clinics, further education colleges and young people's clinics.
Not at all. It's not good to judge anyone on their physical appearance.
Being frigid is a good thing. It means you are making choices and decisions over your own body and not being pressured by others to do something you are not ready to.
You can be part of changing the laws when you are older by learning about the political systems, how to vote and who to vote for. You could also start your own young people's campaign to raise awareness around this issue - become part of a youth council.
A box of 12 condoms is around £10 but why pay for them when you can them for free from a young person's sexual health clinic?
Not many people know exactly what to do the first time they have sex. It is easier if you have built up a relationship with someone. You can talk about what you both want and need. Make sure you both consent, take your time and enjoy it. It should be fun and pleasurable. Don’t worry if it doesn't work out first time. You can try again at another time or just wait.
It is fairly common to meet online, but if you're going to meet in person, it can be dangerous. If you are going to meet in person always tell someone else and meet in a public place. Be suspicious of an older person who wants to be friends with a teenager. Don’t accept lifts in cars and trust your instincts. 'Thinkyouknow' has loads of information for young people about meeting people online.
Interesting question: So a penis that is 12cm in diameter and 18cm long is the max.
Lots of people have fantasy relationships with fictional characters as long as you stay aware of what is fictional and what reality, it is all ok.
It would just be very messy! People have their own personal preferences about having sex whilst a woman is having a period-from 'no way' to 'that’s fine .' Of course without protection, such as a condom, there is still the possibility you could get pregnant or get an STI.
No one is born sexually experienced. Most of the fun is learning. Talk to your partner. Ask what they like. Be aware of their feelings as well as your own pleasure.
If you're looking for love and can't find it, work on developing other relationships. People who make and maintain close friendships learn valuable skills to apply next time around to a different kind of love.
If you go to a GP or specialist sexual health clinic there should be no problems with contraception. You can buy condoms on line but they don’t always meet British safety standards. There are lots of choices but only a condom gives you protection from STI's as well as preventing pregnancy.
You can decided if it is having sex or making love! This may include any activity that sexually arouses you and your partner. It's not just about penis and vagina and penetration. It might include talking and flirting, kissing, looking, touching, stroking each other, kissing using tongues, removing clothes, touching each other's genitals, or putting on a condom. Whatever your sexual orientation, you can have sex in all sorts of ways- there's no magic formula.
No, it is pretty common that most young people are curious about sex, what it means, what happens, how it will feel. etc.
No – your vagina won't fall off or out or anything else if you masturbate.
Pubic hair certainly serves an important purpose, providing a cushion against friction that could cause skin abrasion and injury, protection from bacteria, and is the visible result of long awaited adolescent hormones – showing the changes to your body as you go through puberty.
When you both are comfortable with each other, both consent and are in a private space.
It can be hard to know if you have met the right person. We are usually physically attracted to someone first, but when we get to know them, we might find out they may not be the right person for us. Take time to get know someone by talking to them, going out and doing fun things you both enjoy. Make sure you feel comfortable around them and never feel pressured to do anything you don't want to do.
It’s a good idea to be able to trust and RESPECT each other. No good relationship works without it.
It's not a good idea to wear two condoms as this is more likely to cause them to split. The best way is to find out how to use one condom correctly!
Not sure why people would think this is funny! Don’t do anything you don’t want to and don’t pressure someone into doing something they don’t want to. You might worry about upsetting the person your with but its better than doing something you might regret.
"Penis captivus" is the medical term for when the penis is essentially held captive by the vagina during sexual intercourse. It gets stuck, but this is very, very rare and only last a few seconds.
Not everybody is in a relationship when they have sex but most young people wait until they are over 16 and have got to know the other person a bit first.
The staff at the clinic follow confidentiality policies and the Fraser guidelines to make a decision about if you are old enough to understand and give consent. Staff are very mindful about someone's maturity and if they need to share confidential information with other professionals (for example in the case of abuse or exploitation). They will always encourage you to talk your parents/carers but would rather make sure you have good quality information from a trusted professional and were safe, than cause problems between young people and parents.
Some females choose to use them as it gives them more control over their contraception choices and protects them from STIs.
There is! - it is 16 in this country.
A condom is presented in a small foil packet and consists of a long, thin piece of latex tubing. If you look on the durex web page you can see pictures of the different types of condoms available.
As long as you are both of the right age and have consented to sex. This kind of connectedness does more than make you feel warm and fuzzy, it actually reduces anxiety and boosts your overall health.
Clap is another word for STIs .
No relationship should have abuse in it. If you feel you are in an abusive relationship talk to a trusted adult, your GP or a friend.
This depends on the age of the people involved, if you are of a similar age or there is a wide gap between ages. You could be charged with having sex with a minor (under 16 year old)
"Sin" is a concept that means different things for different religions and cultural or moral perspectives. There are LGBT people of all faiths and religions. The Bible does not mention masturbation. Many people of all genders enjoy masturbation to pleasure themselves and as a way to find out what they enjoy. There is no direct link between a particular sexuality, such as bisexuality, with masturbation.
The best way is to go to a C- Card venue or specialist young people's clinics and learn how to use a condom properly.
'Online Brook' have some really clear information for young people on how to use a condom.
Females are born with about 1 million eggs. By the time of puberty, only about 300,000 remain. Not all of these will develop or be released.
The law states you should be 16 or over to have sex, even though some young people have sex before 16 we know that most wait until they are over 16